Monday, November 19, 2018

Geometry and its dimensions

'Geometry' as referred to by a student might be a subject to be studied, for a common man geometry of anything might be the dimensions or the perspectives that he/she refers to.

Image result for geometry 

By this post I would like to introduce a student to the basic terms that are most commonly used in geometry.

1.Point:  A point is a location in space. It is represented by a dot. Point are usually named with a upper case letter. For example, we refer to the following as "point A"

Image of a point

  • A line can be defined as a straight set of points that extend in opposite directions
  • has no ends in both directions(infinite)
  • has no thickness
  • it is one-dimensional

 3.Line segment

  • A line segment is part of a line
  • It has a beginning point and an ending point
Line Segment
  • A ray is a part of a line that has one endpoint (i.e. starting point)
  • Extends in one direction endlessly.

5.An open number line:

Open Number line

So what will be a closed number line ?
6.Angle: Two rays with the same endpoint is an angle. The following is an angle.

Angle FAC

7.Plane:  A plane is a flat surface like a piece of paper. It extends in all directions. We can use arrows to show that it extends in all directions forever. The following is a plane.
Image of a plane

8.Parallel lines:  When two lines never meet in space or on a plane no matter how long we extend them, we say that they are parallel lines The following lines are parallel.
Parallel lines

9.Intersecting lines: When lines meet in space or on a plane, we say that they are intersecting lines The following are intersecting lines.
Intersecting lines

10.Vertex: The point where two rays meet is called a vertex.
These are basic terms which helps us in defining shapes and their dimensions and properties.

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